NameJames TAYLOR
[644], GGG Grandfather
Birth Dateabt 1798
MemoThis date is only a guess for rough chronological placement.
OccupationPloughman [644]
Misc. Notes
“Reputed father” of Jean (Jane).
Birth PlaceKinnoul, Perthshire, Scotland
Bapt Date17 May 1801 [6119] Age: <1
Bapt PlaceKinnoul, Perthshire, Scotland
Death Date3 Feb 1886 [658] Age: 84
Death PlaceDamhead [Glenfarg], Arngask, Fife, Scotland
Memoage 85
OccupationDomestic Servant [658]
Your OPR Banns & Marriages Search Returns:
You searched for: Surname: "archer"; Surname Option: Exact; Forename: "cath"; Forename Option: Prefix; Sex: "Any"; Date From: 01 January 1810; Date To: 31 December 1854;
3 matches, but none with a groom named TAYLOR or FLETCHER. And none early enough to preceed daughter Jane’s birth. Two were in Angus County and one in Perthshire, all 1832-1836. Actually, two of the three appear to me the same marriage, just reported in two counties the same day.
Your Statutory Register Marriages Search Returns:
You searched for: Male Surname: ""; Male Surname Option: Exact; Male Forename: ""; Male Forename Option: Prefix; Female Surname: "archer"; Female Surname Option: Exact; Female Forename: "cath"; Female Forename Option: Prefix; Year From: 1855; Year To: 1886;
5 matches, but none with a groom named TAYLOR or FLETCHER.
Searched for all Cath* FLETCHERs in 1881 census in the age range 78-82, found only one, age 80, a widow, living in Kilmaronock Parish, Dunbartonshire, in the household of her son-in-law, James DUNLOP. It says Catherine was born in Drymen, Stirlingshire. It appears that this same Catherine was living Glasgow Barony, Lanarkshire, in 1871, with her son, John Alexander FLETCHER. She was already a widow, then. A 60-year-old “Catharine” was in Kilmaronock Parish, Dunbartonshire, in 1861, but that record says she was born there rather than in Stirlingshire.
ChildrenJean (ca1821-1904)