NameHelen SCOTT
[661], GGGG Grandmother
Birth Dateabt 1770
Birth PlaceScotland
MemoThis date is only a guess for rough chronological placement.
Reside PlaceCollessie, Fife, Scotland
Birth Dateabt 1768
Birth PlaceScotland
MemoThis date is only a guess for rough chronological placement.
Reside PlaceStrathmiglo, Fife, Scotland
Alias/AKADavid FERGUSSON [6088]
OccupationPloughman [661]
There was also a child named William FERGUSON born 28-MAR-1790 in Strathmiglo to a David FERGUSON (mother’s name not given). Need other records to be sure William is this David’s son.
From 1789-1801 there were 7 children born to a David FERGUSON/FERGUSSON with no mother named, in the parish of Dunbog, Fife. Based on comparing the birth years to the years of the known children of David, the man in Dunbog is probably a different David. Plus, it also appears that David may have been the father of a child born in Dunbog in 1777.
Marr PlaceCollessie, Fife, Scotland