NameBror Gustav Ragnar KARLSSON [8465], [8466]
Birth Date26 Mar 1900 [8465], [8466], [8467]
Birth PlaceLyngsjö, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
Reside DateOct 1932 [8467]
Reside PlaceStoby, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MemoLarida No. 5; move here on this date (day of month is difficult to read)
Reside Date1933 [8465]
Reside PlaceStoby, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MemoLarida No. 2
OccupationGround worker [8466]
Birth PlaceKarlshamn, Asarum, Blekinge, Sweden
Memoor 26 Jun 1900
Reside Date22 Jun 1920 [8458] Age: 20
Reside PlaceNäsum, Kristianstads [Skåne], Sweden
MemoGonarp 2
Reside Date1930 [8463]
Reside PlaceAsarum, Blekinge, Sweden
MemoHorsaryd No.2
Reside Date1930 [8462]
Reside PlaceAsarum, Blekinge, Sweden
Memo(unspecified location within Asarum) Moved away from here 30-SEP-1931.
Reside Date30 Sep 1931 [8462] Age: 31
Reside PlaceEmislöv [Emmislöv], Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
Memomoved to this parish on this date.
Reside DateOct 1932 [8467]
Reside PlaceStoby, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MemoLarida No. 5; move here on this date (day of month is difficult to read)
Reside Date1933 [8465]
Reside PlaceStoby, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MemoLarida No. 2
Misc. Notes
Signe had 3 more children, also out of wedlock: [8462] [8463]
Karl Axel Valdemar 28-AUG-1923 (@ Farstorp, Kristianstad)√ (entry No. 19)
(father not named in this record) This is another record that says Signe was born in June. It also specifically omits any statement that he was born out of wedlock.
Ancestry also has the “SCB” copy register, which does add the notation, “u. ä.”
actually Ancestry has 2 different images of the SCB copy, but in one the mother’s name was transcribed as “Åbesson”

Anna Inga Kristina 06-AUG-1926 (@ Asarum, Blekinge)√ (entry No. 103)
(father not named in this record); says Signe born in April.
Riksarkivet & Ancestry SCB copy mention “u. ä.” and it turns out the birth was in Asarum, not Farstorp (contrary to sources 8462+8463). Mother’s residence was Horsaryd 2.

Bror Gustaf Ragnvald 19-APR-1929 (@ Asarum, Blekinge, Sweden, Kristianstad)√ (entry No. 12)
(father not named in this record) “u. ä.” notation is included.
mother’s birthdate looks like 6 Jun 1900
notation above Bror’s name: “Ett gosse barn” = “a boy child” (for some reason there is no tick mark in the male-birth column.

Children born after marriage:
Sally Ingegärd KARLSSON 05-MAR-1932 (Emmislöv, Kristianstad)√
John Uno Vallentin KARLSSON 16-NOV-1934 (in Stoby)√
need to find “page 97” in Nässum household record covering 1920
Marr Date20 Oct 1931 [8466], [8467]
Marr PlaceEmmislöv, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MarrBn Date4 Oct 1931 [8466]
MarrBn PlaceEmmislöv, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MarrBn Date11 Oct 1931 [8466]
MarrBn PlaceEmmislöv, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MarrBn Date18 Oct 1931 [8466]
MarrBn PlaceEmmislöv, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
Last Modified 25 May 2022Created 23 Jun 2022 using Reunion for Macintosh
First Published 22 Sep 2013. Revised 23 Jun 2022
All written content not quoted from other sources (and excluding individual facts) is Copyright © 2022 Bruce W. Christopher. This information is provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research. Any commercial use is prohibited.
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