George FOTHERINGHAM & Jessie Stewart JOHNSON - Media
George FOTHERINGHAM & Jessie Stewart JOHNSON - Media
FOTHERINGHAM-JOHNSON wedding party on lawn. 03-AUG-1915, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Canada.
With respect to the 2 women in white in the center, the one on the left is Jessie E. Winton (niece of the bride) and on the right is the bride, Jessie Stewart Johnson. To the left of Jessie Winton is her mother, Catherine Winton (nee Johnson; sister of the bride). The girl front of Jessie Winton is Ruby Fotheringham (niece of the groom). To the right of the bride is the groom, George Fotheringham. The man behind and to the right of Catherine Winton is her husband, David Winton. The man behind the groom is Henry Johnson (brother of the bride). Skipping over the woman to the right of the groom, the next man is Rev. William C. Smalley, who performed the ceremony. Behind Rev. Smalley is Adam Fotheringham (groom's brother).
First Published 22 Sep 2013. Revised 23 Jun 2022
All written content not quoted from other sources (and excluding individual facts) is Copyright © 2022 Bruce W. Christopher. This information is provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research. Any commercial use is prohibited.
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