William Starmer SMITH - Media
William Starmer SMITH - Media
William Starmer SMITH
Cropped detail from original photo by Great Eastern Photo and Advertising Co. The photography studio appears to have operated at various times in Vancouver, Nanaimo & Victoria, British Columbia, in 1888, before moving to the United States.
William Starmer SMITH
Color tinted, probably charcoal drawing.
William Starmer Smith (1854-1901)
Date of photo unknown. The photography studio appears to have operated at various times in Vancouver, Nanaimo & Victoria, British Columbia, in 1888, before moving to the United States.
Signature of William Starmer SMITH, dated 07-MAY-1878
Extracted from Source[7965]
First Published 22 Sep 2013. Revised 23 Jun 2022
All written content not quoted from other sources (and excluding individual facts) is Copyright © 2022 Bruce W. Christopher. This information is provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research. Any commercial use is prohibited.
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