[1760], [1818, p.187], [3496, p.183], [3853], [1965, p.43], [5477, Vol.I, p.19], GGGG Grandmother
Birth PlaceAmwell Twp., Hunterdon Co., New Jersey, United States
MemoSee p.13 in Source[1824]; also based on age at death.
Census PlaceMoreland Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, United States
MemoBy counts, appears to include family of her son, Mahlon.
Census PlaceMoreland Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, United States
Census Date11 Sep 1850 [1841] Age: 86
Census PlaceMoreland Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, United States
Death PlaceMoreland Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, United States
MemoAged 91y 9m. Date & age are from Source[1772] and from gravestone inscription.
MemoMoreland Lutheran Cemetery
Alias/AKASarah HOAGLAND [1760]
Misc. Notes
It is important to note that, so far, no official document created after she became Mrs. Taylor, has been found which states that Sarah’s maiden name was HOOGLAND (or anything similar). The connection to the HOAGLAND/HOOGLAND genealogies relies on the matching of Sarah's depositions regarding her marriage as stated on page 13 of the pension file (which mentions Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, but not her maiden surname), and the mention of Sarah HOOGLAND and her husband, William TAYLOR, in the will of one William HOOGLAND, Sr., of Kingwood, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey (having moved there from Amwell). A second bit of evidence from the pension file also helps to form a link with William HOOGLAND's will. Page 10 of the pension file is an affidavit dated 14 Sep 1838, in which an Isaac ALLEN provided testimony in support of Sarah's identity. He explains that he knew Sarah and William Taylor back when they both lived in New Jersey. And that he was personally connected to them in two ways. First, he stated that Sarah's sister was his father's second wife (whom I'm assuming wasn't Isaac's mother or I think he would have said she was); second, he said that his son married one of the daughters of William and Sarah Taylor. Well, the only daughter who married an ALLEN was Margaret. Therefore, Margaret's husband, William ALLEN, was Isaac's son. And who was Sarah's sister who married Isaac's father? William HOOGLAND's will tells us that his daughter Mary Hoogland married William ALLEN, who in this context must have been Isaac's father. One other source that is probably reliable, though it is a book that does not cite sources, is a biographical sketch of Sarah’s grandson, Thomas Low Taylor (1835-1914). At the time it was published, both Thomas and his father, William were still living and so potentially could have been consulted by the unnamed author of the book, “Memorial Record of Southwestern Minnesota,” which was published in 1897. In that book, it states that Thomas’ grandparents were “William and Sarah (Hogland) Taylor” who were “of New Jersey birth.” Given the year of publication, it is likely this was internal family knowledge handed down and shared with the author by some member of Thomas’ family. [1824, pp.10, 13], [3496, pp.182-3], [1818, p.187], [1965, p.43]Sarah wrote her will, 10-JAN-1856.
[1773] One of the witnesses of Sarah’s will, Richard B. FARR, lived next door to her son, William, as of 1850.
[1804]In 1840, Sarah was a widow and thus reported in the census as a head of household. The only other occupant recorded was a female age 40-49. This might have been her daughter, Sarah, the only one who was single (and without children) at the time.
1William TAYLOR 
[1760], [1761], [1762], [1824], [3496, p.183], [3853], [5477, Vol.I, p.19], GGGG Grandfather
Birth PlaceNew Jersey or Virginia, United States
MemoBased on age at death. Note that place of birth is poorly documented, only being mentioned in Source[1760].
Census PlaceDerry Twp., Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, United States
MemoDerry is now part of Montour Co.; before 1850 it was part of Columbia Co. and before 1813 was part of Northumberland Co.
Census Date6 Aug 1810 [4164] Age: 56
Census PlaceMuncy Creek Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, United States
Census Date7 Aug 1820 [1844] Age: 66
Census PlaceMoreland Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, United States
Census Date1 Jun 1830 [3615] Age: 76
Census PlaceMoreland Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, United States
MemoBy counts, appears to include family of his son, Mahlon.
Death PlaceMoreland Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, United States
MemoAged 83 years, 10 months, 21 days, according to gravestone inscription.
MemoMoreland Lutheran Cemetery, grave 20
Misc. Notes
The family moved from New Jersey to Pennsylvania in 1797.
[1824, page 11]In addition to the 1800 U.S. Census schedule believed to represent this William TAYLOR, the same name appears in the 1800 Pennsylvania Septennial Census of the same township. This was only a tax list and gives only his name but is almost certainly the same person in the U.S. census.
[1845], [3320] In the Septennial years he supposedly was in Lycoming County, no records were found for a William TAYLOR. In fact the database appears to have no Septennial records for Moreland Twp. in any year.
His father may have also been named William, as two documents in his pension file refer to him as “William Taylor, 2d.”
[1824, pages 3 & 50]See Notes for his son Mahlon, regarding the family members present in the 1830 census.
William applied for and received a land warrant dated 02-JUN-1819 for 200 acres, for which he paid 100 shillings plus interest retroactive to 1-MAY-1796
[4453]. After his death, his executors, Mahlon TAYLOR and Henry FUNSTON, commissioned a survey of the property on 11-APR-1845, which resulted in a measurement of 155 acres and “fifty one perches” (a perch is a square 16.5 feet on a side and therefore amounts to 1/160 acre, so 51 perches would be 0.31875 acres). The property was located in Moreland Twp., Lycoming Co., Pennsylvania, “on the waters of Laurel Run.”
[3760], [3761], [3763] In a land patent dated 17-APR-1846, the land was deeded to the executors of William’s estate.
[3769] There was also a “Bounty Land Warrant Record Card” in William’s pension file, which identifies Warrant Number 12606, for 100 acres, being assigned by William TAYLOR to Robert MEANS, on 31-JAN-1794
[1824, page 85], who then on 10-JUL-1794, sold it to William M. BIDDLE.
[3762] What is interesting about Robert MEANS is that his name appears on at least 244 land warrants as assignee, from many different veterans both living and deceased. The actual warrant has been found, which shows “Robert MEANS assignee of William TAYLOR a soldier during the late war in the Virginia line.” And again it is only for 100 acres, and no longer the property of William TAYLOR.
[3762] No application documents have been located for this warrant, though it may have been lost in a fire in 1800, which may explain why the pension file only contains the Record Card.
On 1-AUG-1827, William TAYLOR wrote his last will, which included a full accounting of all his children. He appointed two executors: his son Mahlon TAYLOR, and Henry FUNSTON.
[1781], [3670]On 23-MAY-1838, the local newspaper printed a notice to all those with an interest in the settlement of William’s estate, to appear at William’s former residence, on 30-JUN-1838: “please attend without fail.”
[5719]Unproven family tradition: William was a 2nd cousin of President Zachary Taylor.
[1965], [2167]
U.S. Revolutionary War service in 8th Virginia Regiment, as a Private under Captain Abel Westfall and Col. Peter Muhlenberg. Enlisted FEB-1776 in Hampshire Co., VA (present day West Virginia). Service to SEP-1778. Battles: Sullivan’s Island, White Horse Tavern, Germantown, Pursuit of Dunmore
[1762], [1824, p.16], [2177] [1965, p.43]May have also served 10-FEB-1781 to 01-JUN-1782 under Capt. Philip SHRAWDER, in Pennsylvania.
[1770], [1771], [1772], [3758] Lacking any other explanation, I suspect the people who compiled the burial cards (WPA Project # 19092) simply assumed that William had served in Pennsylvania, and were unaware he actually served in Virginia. More about Shrawder’s company of Pennsylvania Rangers (Northampton County) can be found in “Pennsylvania Archives, Fifth Series, Vol. VIII” (Harrisburg, 1906) which does mention a William Taylor in the company on pages 579-80. Available at Also, “The Pennsylvania Line: Regimental Organization And Operations, 17776-1783” (p.224) by John B. Trussell (1977) states that Shrawder (aka Schrader) was a commander of the “German Regiment.” Nothing has been found that clearly establishes that the William TAYLOR under Capt. SHRAWDER is the same as this William TAYLOR family member.
On a number of occasions, the military rolls indicate William was “on furlow [sic] in Virginia” in 1777.
[2177] Since he enlisted in Hampshire County, in what is today West Virginia, perhaps he had family in that area. If so, the real puzzle is what drew him to Amwell, New Jersey, after the war, where he ended up getting married? If he really was from New Jersey, why did he join a Virginia regiment?
A few sources have been consulted regarding Virginia soldiers and residents. The best possible lead so far is a reference in “Virginia’s Colonial Soldiers” by Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck
[3526, p.138]. Page 138 mentions a William TAYLOR as a member of Capt. Joseph Bowman’s roll in Dunmore’s War, 1774. Three other William TAYLORs were also listed but under other Captains. The reference to Bowman is interesting because his brother, Col. Abraham Bowman, was a field officer associated with the 8th VA Regiment in 1777. But it may just be a coincidence.
“Sims index to land grants in West Virginia” by Edgar B. Sims, lists 3 William TAYLORs on page 233, as land purchasers (grantees) in Hampshire County, but this is not much to go on, unless the actual deeds have more clues. The list includes another 33 TAYLORs not named William. Another section involving grants from the State of Virginia in Hampshire Co. (page 842) has nobody named TAYLOR.
“Dyer’s Index to Land Grants in West Virginia” by M. H. Dyer, lists two TAYLORs in Hampshire Co. (p.788, 790) but again with no way to connect them to this William TAYLOR.
“The 1787 census of Virginia” by Netti Schreiner-Yantis & Florene Speakman Love (which is actually a tax list rather than a true census), Vol. 1, p.394 & p.404, mentions 9 persons named TAYLOR in Hampshire County, but no William.
In the period 1778-1780, tax lists mention two William TAYLORs, one in Amwell Twp. and the other in Kingwood Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ.
[4360, p.204] But for the period 1784-1786 there are no William TAYLORs listed in Hunterdon.
No reference to William Taylor found in the following:
Jordan, John W. "Continental Hospital Returns." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography Vol.23 (1899): 35-50, 210-33. 14-AUG-2015: Searched “Applications for Warrants, Years 1755-1866” FHL Film # 988266 (film title card says “Penn - 00009 Roll No. 332”). This film contains Pennsylvania warrant applications from 1817 to 1866. Searched all the warrants from 1817 to 1823, but did not find William TAYLOR’s application. There was only one application for the year 1819 and it wasn’t his. Unless there is another place his application could have ended up, it would appear that it is lost to history.
Marr PlaceAmwell Twp., Hunterdon Co., New Jersey, United States
Marr MemoAt the home of Sarah’s father.