[8843], 1C4R
Birth Dateca 1846
Memonamed in 1854 passenger list
Death PlaceOrbost, Victoria, Australia
ScotlandsPeople birth search: Church type: Old Parish Registers - Births, Surname: "cam*", Surname options: "Wildcards allowed", Forename: "ja*", Forename options: "Wildcards allowed", Gender: "Male", Year range: "from 1844 to 1848", County/city: "PERTH"
>> no matches for this James.
Also tried this search with no luck:
Church type: Old Parish Registers - Births, Surname: "c*", Surname options: "Wildcards allowed", Forename: "james", Forename options: "Exact names only", Gender: "Male", Year range: "from 1845 to 1847", 2nd Parent Name: "an*", 2nd Parent Name options: "Wildcards allowed", County/city: "PERTH"
Birth Dateabt 1847
MemoThis date is only a guess for rough chronological placement.
12 children ?
Marr PlaceVictoria, Australia