, 1C4R
Birth Dateca 1847
Birth PlaceScotland
Memonamed in 1854 passenger list
Death PlaceGenoa, East Gippsland Shire, Victoria, Australia
MemoGipsy Point Cemetery
ScotlandsPeople search: Church type: Old Parish Registers - Births, Surname: "cam*", Surname options: "Wildcards allowed", Forename: "jo*", Forename options: "Wildcards allowed", Gender: "Male", Year range: "from 1845 to 1848", County/city: "PERTH"
>> no matches to this John.
Birth PlaceWinchelsea, Surf Coast Shire, Victoria, Australia
Memoor 6 Jul 1862 (1863 is on the gravestone)
Death PlaceNorth Sydney, North Sydney Council, New South Wales, Australia
MemoOrbost Cemetery
Marr PlaceVictoria, Australia