Birth PlaceVånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
Memo1802 based on age at death and at birth of Nilla. 1803 based on birth of Svenborg.
Reside PlaceVånga No.12, Vånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
Memomoved here from Vånga No.37? (as a result of marriage)
Death PlaceVånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MemoAge 40.
Not found in Vånga, Kristianstad, birth register, for year 1795. Also not found in DDSS for 1795-1804. Perhaps not born in Vånga. Not in 1795 or 1802 over all parishes in DDSS.
Also not found in Vånga Husförhörslängd for 1817-1819 (browsed only looking for birth year 1795).
1819-1823 & 1824-1827 Vånga Husförhörslängd lists same birth dates as the others.
Age at death suggests birth was actually in 1802.
There was an Olu, born 17 Jul 1802, but it looks like the father was “Sven” so that disqualifies this entry.
Vånga CI:5 (1767-1810) Image 262 / page 253 (AID: v101954.b262.s253, NAD: SE/LLA/13462)
Ancestry image 276 page 253.
Not found in year 1801 either.
Birth record for daughter, Nilla, states that Olu was 26 at the time (25-AUG-1828, implying a birth year of 1802.
Even if she was born in 1795, she was still a lot younger than Bengt.
[60], [4572], [4629], [4631], [4644], [7963], [7964], [8220], [8534], [8535], GGG Grandfather
Birth PlaceBonslet [Bonnslätt], Vånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
MemoHousehold Examinations all report 28 Apr 1887
Bapt Date29 Apr 1787 [4630] Age: <1
Bapt PlaceVånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
Reside PlaceVånga No. 1, Vånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Swede
Memomoved here from Juteboda, Vånga.
Reside PlaceVånga No. 12, Vånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
Memomoved here from Vånga No.1
Death Date26 Dec 1861 [60] Age: 74
Death PlaceVånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
OccupationTorpare (crofter / cottager) [8220]
Unable to find the village Juteboda in the 1817-1819 Vånga household examination. In 1819-1823, there is one page for Juteboda, but the Bengt SVENSSON listed there is not the right one.
Age difference with wife Olu suggests he may have been previously married, possibly as early as 1808.
Marr PlaceVånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden
Marr MemoMarriage record only states the name of the husband.
MarrBn PlaceVånga, Kristianstad [Skåne], Sweden